Avenida 25 de Abril: endereço pessoalA Avenida 25 de Abril foi uma autêntica escola. Foi lá que nos formámos no receio e na submissão.Apr 24, 2024Apr 24, 2024
Diz-me por quem te enlutas, dir-te-ei pelo que lutas.O corpo de Rui Nabeiro, agora dentro do cemitério, e por isso já inteiramente dentro da História, exemplifica melhor que ninguém a unidade…Mar 21, 2023Mar 21, 2023
Tale of a Woman in Bed, Mastering the Art of Losing.She wonders why they have not come for her yet. She imagines the black boots coming out of the elevator, then turning right, then straight…Feb 6, 2023Feb 6, 2023
Tesoura, Cabelo, Vingança. As Novas Dalilas e a Fúria Necessária.A tesoura é um símbolo poderoso.Oct 6, 2022Oct 6, 2022
Book Reviewers Are The Academic Version of (Social Media) Influencers.Academic reviewers tend not to be paid at all for their services to the profession. As a matter of fact, they are used to receiving a copy…Sep 22, 2022Sep 22, 2022
Stop Underselling Yourself as a Writer. Words Are Magic (With Example)I have been enjoying the work of fellow Medium writers for the past 6 months now.Sep 20, 2022Sep 20, 2022
Concise Writing Adviceso you’re special in a not really kind of way, never mind, keep writing, take the first book you just couldn’t put down and read it again…Sep 19, 20221Sep 19, 20221
Same Old Story?Re-reading Fairytales for 21st Century Parents — Beauty and the BeastSep 14, 2022Sep 14, 2022
Want to Nurture you Child’s Love for Reading? Follow This Simple Pedagogical PracticeIt happened as I was witnessing my brother’s partner breastfeed her child. The baby was playing with the nipple, perfectly contented. It…Aug 29, 20221Aug 29, 20221
É Tudo Dele: João Miguel Tavares e o Amor PossessivoHá quem goste de contar a história do colonialismo português (e da hegemonia branca) como se fosse uma história de amor. Se algum dia isto…Jul 26, 2022Jul 26, 2022